Our profiling methodology is able to identify the characters, personalities, behaviour, and life patterns which are in line with multiple well-known profiling tools such as DISC, NLP, Enneagram, MBTI, OCEAN 5 and EQ/IQ Profiling.

Our 9 Universal Character Archetypes is an evidence-based framework that can clearly identify unique character strengths and weaknesses of any individual, regardless of age, gender, culture, or nationality. Moreover, it maps the predictable success and pitfalls in many areas of one’s life with high statistical accuracy.

Unlike stand-alone labour market insights or skill-focused solutions, CareerCoach Academy is a unique employability solution designed to help people discover their goals, interests, and skills using big data science analytics algorithm.

Take our Profiling Assessment and understand your character, strengths and weaknesses better. Without understanding your character, strengths and weaknesses, you are living your life by trial and error. Character is inborn and knowing how to leverage on your character traits will bring you the success you are destined for.


If you are a business owner or HR manager, you will agree that one big challenge you face is finding the right person for the job in addition to aligning your people with your organisation’s goals and ensuring that their contributions will get you there.

If you want a company that is flourishing, you need people that will bring curiosity and an ability to translate that into solving problems with relevance. People no longer plainly accept instruction; they decide what they do – and how they do it – based on how engaged and aligned they are to your organisation’s purpose.

With consumer demand growing at an unprecedented rate, organisations of all sectors are struggling to develop their people fast enough to meet the demand. We may be sending people for professional development courses, but we’re not seeing a return on investment. We’re not closing the skills gap fast enough. In fact, the gap is continuing to grow.

Many organisations are looking for ways to speed up a change in employee behaviour and enhance their effectiveness. Often, the missing piece is valuable insights backed up with data to help you make decisions about how you can bring about a culture change to deliver your business goals.

This is where the big data science analytics algorithm of CareerCoach Academy comes in. Not only can our profiling for business allow better communication, but it also lets you to work together better as a business. Insightful profiles can allow you to put together stronger teams of people whose strengths and weaknesses complement each other. Learn to inspire, motivate and leverage each of your team members by understanding, knowing and managing their true-selves, hidden potentials’ strengths, weaknesses and unique motivational factors.

Our methodology can also step up your recruitment process and more effectively target the kind of skills you are looking for. There is so much more to it and this is just an intro. Our profiling methodology is not just a whole list of questionnaires because it really worked for for our clients on a practical level.

So, do you truly know yourself well? Which one of the characters below are you?

If not, contact us for a full assessment of your character traits, hidden potentials, strengths, weaknesses, blind spots and unique motivational factors.